Nintendo DS

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    • Nintendo DS

      Um den Nintendo PK Thread ein bischen zu entlasten bitte sämtliche DS Diskussionen hier rein, neue Screenshots in Kamis Thread.

      Hier die ersten Hands On Impressions von Gamespot:

      GameSpot takes Nintendo's two-screen portable for a test drive. Our detailed impressions of the device as well as a variety of tech demos are inside.

      Nintendo unveiled its mysterious dual-screen portable system today during its E3 press conference. Prior to the event we had the chance to get some quality time with the hardware to see what it's all about.

      While the units we tried were obviously playable, Nintendo reps noted that the design wasn't quite final as yet and would likely still undergo a few cosmetic tweaks--perhaps even a name change--before the device ships this fall.

      The rectangular system is slightly larger than a standard PDA and features a clamshell design similar to the GBA SP and the old school Game-in-Watch systems from back in the day. The system uses two backlit screens that are each roughly the size of the GBA screen. The DS features a total of six buttons, in a configuration reminiscent of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System controller. You've got buttons A, B, X, and Y on the face as well as left and right shoulder buttons. The twist to the system's control inputs is the lower screen's functionality as a touch screen. The screen will respond to input from the included stylus, or your finger instead.

      The system will be backward compatible with the Game Boy Advance (and, therefore, with other, earlier Game Boy models). The GBA cartridges fit in a slot in the front of the system, and the DS cartridges fit in the back. The DS cartridges will be noticeably smaller than the GBA carts, and while we weren't able to see one, they were described as being roughly the same size as a standard SD media card used for devices such as Pocket PCs and digital cameras. The system will use a rechargeable battery that's estimated to last roughly 10 hours. In addition, the system includes a few extra perks such as a built-in headphone jack and a microphone input, which suggests that voice support of some kind will be in some games. The most impressive extra built into the system is its wireless connectivity, which is composed of Nintendo's own wireless technology as well as standard Wi-Fi. Of note, it was hard to get a sense for how heavy the system was, as the units were firmly bolted into their respective kiosks, and we'd left our industrial strength bolt cutters at home.

      As far as the system's graphical muscle goes, there was plenty of evidence of the DS' versatility. In addition to a selection of first- and third-party offerings, there was also an assortment of eight technology demos to show off the hardware's potential. The most notable demo starred Sega's own Sonic the Hedgehog. The demo proper was displayed in the top DS screen and featured Sonic running through a familiar island setting. You could control Sonic's movements by using the stylus on the lower touch screen. Tapping the screen made Sonic jump, while sliding the stylus across the power meter style image on the lower screen let you build up Sonic's speed. The more you slid the stylus, the faster an onscreen meter built up. Every time the meter filled, Sonic's speed would bump up to a higher level. Another component of the demo let you manipulate the camera on Sonic--you could switch between different angles on the fly by tapping icons on the touchscreen. The graphics in the demo looked good and ran at a smooth clip. Texture detail and polygon count were respectable but didn't quite match the quality of console hardware. The effects used as Sonic's speed leveled up were pretty slick and made use of a wide variety of color and particle effects.

      Balloon Trip is a demo starring Mario's lovable baby incarnation from Yoshi's Island, and it finds you guiding him to safety as he falls to the ground. At the start of the demo Baby Mario is dropped by a stork and starts a free fall to the ground. You'll use the stylus to create cloud trails that will gently guide his descent to the ground and steer him to collect coins and avoid enemies that will kidnap him and end the demo. You'll be able to take out certain enemies by quickly drawing a circle around them, trapping them in bubbles that Baby Mario will collect along with coins. The demo forces you to make use of both screens--Baby Mario is falling in the upper screen while you draw his path in the lower one. The trick is to plan ahead and go about arranging the clouds so that they reach the baby, and then line him up for the next set you send his way. The ultimate goal of the demo is to get the little guy to the ground where Yoshi awaits to ferry him off to safety. The graphics in the game mimic the Yoshi's Island style of graphics, with some extra flourishes such as the clouds to keep it looking fresh.

      The carving demo is a cool little bit of tech showing off the sensitivity of the touch screen and the graphics speed of the unit. Basically, the demo lets you choose from one of four materials: watermelon, wood, chrome, and Mario clay. Once your material is selected and on the screen, you'll be able to run your stylus over it and carve a design much like working on a pottery wheel. After you've finished you can choose to destroy your creation or display it. You'll be able to use the stylus on the screen to manipulate your work of art by turning it any way you like. The graphics in the demo weren't exactly mind-boggling, although the chrome looked quite sharp. The eye-catching aspect of the presentation is how the stylus interacts with and affects the graphics.

      The Mario face demo was just that, a demo that had Mario's and Wario's mugs in the lower screen. The demo was much like the tech demo in Mario 64 that let you manipulate Mario's face. You'll use the stylus to grab the characters' faces and stretch them in a number of ways. Whose face you'll be tugging at is determined by which of the pair's 2D versions jumps down the warp pipe in a rolling guide that plays out on the upper screen. In it, the two characters are running around underneath blocks that correspond to the four buttons on the lower screen, which you can select with the touch pad to get brief explanations of what they do. Basically the buttons affect what your manipulation of the face does. One lets you stretch various parts of the face anyway you like and sends whatever piece you had hold of ricocheting back to normal once you lift the stylus. The second button forces the face to hold whatever ungodly stretched form you drag it in even if you remove the stylus and "let go." The third lets you rotate the image anyway you want with the stylus. The fourth lets you switch from normal or toon-shaded graphics. Finally the last button lets you choose to play with either Mario's or Wario's face by calling down the appropriate guinea pig from up top.

      The table hockey demo was a simple version of table hockey that you played with the stylus. The top screen displayed the area around your opponent's goal, while the lower touch screen displayed yours and let you control your paddle with the stylus. The game had a slightly space-age feel to it, since your goal and that of your opponent featured energy shields that had to be hit with the puck once in order to give you a clear shot. The demo featured sparse graphics that pretty much re-created the basic look of an air hockey table. However, the demo's big draw was naturally its simple but addictive gameplay. Once you get the handle of using the stylus, it's possible to pull off some fancy blocks that give the puck some spin.

      The special-effects demo offered three modes of effects, selected by hitting one of three icons on the lower touch screen, which displayed various special effects in the upper screen on the fly based on your actions. The first option let you mess around with an assortment of cubes that displayed erratic light patterns as you jostled them every which way. The second option let you push around circles that would yield different patterns of effects. The third option let you select one special effect by tapping any circle in a grid--which took up much of the lower screen--and waving around your stylus, repeating the effect. The effects included everything from clouds and fireworks to spinning batons.

      The Pikachu demo offered a virtual Pikachu to love or abuse with your stylus. The hopelessly peppy critter alternated between the two screens. You're only able to interact with him when he's on the lower screen. In addition to following his whims, you'll see onscreen text will let you know when he wants some attention. You can also call up a menu that lets you play with him in a variety of ways. You can use musical instruments, such as a xylophone, or even draw (well trace, really) over him with the stylus. The graphics in the demo surpassed their nearest cousin, the Pikachu in Nintendo 64's Hey You Pikachu!, but they weren't quite as crisp as the Pikachu in the GameCube's Pokémon Channel.

      The last demo we tried, the submarine demo, was said to be Miyamoto's favorite. The simple game, featuring a submarine, took place on the upper screen, while the sub's controls appeared on the bottom. The goal of the demo is to get your submarine across a stretch of ocean. The trip will force you to raise and submerge your sub as well as deal with obstacles such as rocks and enemy ships that block your way. The controls consist of dials that you'll manipulate with the stylus. You'll be able to adjust the craft's depth, pitch, and speed on the fly and fire off torpedoes as the need arises. The mechanics, while simple, took some getting used to. They offered a fun "lunar lander"-style challenge as you tried to beat the clock. The graphics in the game were simple but clean, and there were some nice effects for water bubbles and the sub.

      All told, the Nintendo DS is an interesting piece of hardware, and it's the most versatile piece of hardware the company has ever put out. The design is unusual--we're a little iffy on the stylus considering how easy it is to lose those things, but the number of features crammed into it is certainly impressive. Compatibility with the GBA is a good thing, and the tech behind the hardware is certainly sound. The tech demos we saw made a case for why the DS is a platform that may offer some truly unique experiences. However, that's just part of the story. In addition to the demos, there were several games on display for the system that we checked out. Namco's Pac-Pix and Pac'n Roll, Konami's Yu-Gi-Oh!: Nightmare Troubador, Bandai's Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, Square Enix's Egg Monster Hero, Hudson's Bomberman, and Nintendo's own DS Picto Chat, WarioWare Inc. DS, Super Mario 64 4x4, and Metroid Prime Hunters all showed off some unique and interesting ways to use Nintendo's new hardware. The Nintendo DS is currently slated to ship this fall. Look for more on the system from the E3 show floor and in the coming months.

      By Ricardo Torres -- GameSpot
      POSTED: 05/11/04 12:37PM PST
    • die ersten Beispiele für die Nutzung der beiden Screens kommen:

      Gamefront: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (Bandai)
      Im oberen Bildschirm sieht man das Weltall, unten wählt man einen von drei Robotern für die Schlacht. Anschließend erscheint oben ein Radar, während man unten den Kampf verfolgt. Durch Drücken mit einem Stylus zielt man auf die Feinde; sind drei erfasst, wählt man eine Waffe zum Angriff.

      Bomberman (Hudson)
      Die klassischen Bomberman-Duelle lassen sich mit Touch-Screen / Stylus steuern. Bei der Bombenjagd durch's Labyrinth erscheinen im oberen Bildschirm Geister, die den Spieler verfolgen: Erscheint ein Gespenst, ist man solange bewegungslos, bis man den Geist mittels Touch-Screen 'weggekratzt' hat.

      Yu-Gi-Oh!: Nightmare Troubadour (Konami)
      Das Berühren des Bildschirms wird zum Geben, nehmen und umdrehen der Karten benutzt. Im oberen Bildschirm sieht man die Kämpfe der Monster in 3D. Via Zoom sieht man mehr Details seiner Karten.

      Pac-Pix (Namco)
      Den vor den Geistern flüchtenden Pac-Man steuert man mit Stylus und Touch-Screen durch das Labyrinth: Malt man eine Wand vor Pac-Man, rennt er dagegen und dreht sich um 90 Grad.

      Pac'n Roll (Namco)
      3D Variante von Pac-Man. Mit dem Touch-Screen lässt man ihn Rampen hinauf laufen oder um Wände gehen. Je schneller man die Finger über den Touch Screen zieht, desto schneller bewegt sich Pac-Man.

      Sonic E3 Demo (Sega)
      Auf dem unteren Bildschirm wechselt man durch Drücken die Kameraperspektive, während Sonic durch die klassischen bekannten Landschaften rennt. Im zweiten Teil des Spiels bewegt man seine Finger auf dem Touch-Screen vor und zurück, damit Sonic schneller läuft und noch schneller Ringe sammelt.
      Drückt man auf den oberen Bildschirm, springt Sonic, um höher gelegene Münzen zu erreichen.

      Egg Monster Heroes (Square Enix)
      Der Spieler kontrolliert einen General und seine Truppen. Man dreht sie von hinten um, damit sie einen Gegner angreifen und in den 'Egg Monster Battle'-Modus geschaltet wird: Man berührt die Körper seiner Monster und wählt so eine Angriffsmethode aus, während man auf die Schwachstellen der feindlichen Kreaturen zielt.
      Gott ist Tod.
    • Ich werde mir die ganze Diskussion, welcher NextGeneration-Handheld der bessere ist sparen.
      Ich werde mir beide zulegen! :geil:

      Der DS wirkt auf den ersten Blick sehr innovativ mit den beiden Screens. Bin gespannt wie das von den Entwicklern umgesetzt wird. Ich kann das erste Probezocken kaum erwarten. :huh:

      Der PSP besticht für mich in der unglaublichen Grafikqualität für einen Handheld. Die wird wohl auch seinen Preis haben.

      Was jetzt die Frage ist, wie werden die Entwickler die beiden Geräte unterstützen? Und werden nicht nur alte Spiele rereleast werden?

      Beide kaufen, sowie die besten dafür erhältlichen Games. Prost :saufen:

      Ich freu mich.

      Jeder kann ein Zwerg sein. Es ist keine Frage der Größe. Man braucht nur die richtige Einstellung.”

      Valacia Wach, Vorsitzende des Komitees Gleiche Höhe für Zwerge

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Skazz ()

    • Original von Skazz
      Was jetzt die Frage ist, wie werden die Entwickler die beiden Geräte unterstützen? Und werden nicht nur alte Spiele rereleast werden?

      das ist definitiv das problem des PSP, schau, die ganzen Nintendo Remakes sind jetzt schon für den GBA erschienen, höchstens N64 remakes kommen noch für den DS, aber du siehst ja bereits am start-line-up das die Spiele wohl alle auf Grund der neuen Steuerung und der zwei screens völlig anders werden, selbst die remakes

      beim PSP dagegen hab ich noch nix von neuartigen konzepten usw gesehen/gelesen, wahrscheinlich werden da nur playstation-remakes kommen, KLASSE :angry: die typischen PS games sind nicht gerade spiele die ich gern unterwegs zocken würde... (ausser FF)
    • Original von Skazz
      Ich werde mir die ganze Diskussion, welcher NextGeneration-Handheld der bessere ist sparen.
      Ich werde mir beide zulegen! :geil:
      Beide kaufen, sowie die besten dafür erhältlichen Games. Prost :saufen:

      Ich freu mich.


      richtig so, genau das werd ich auch tun.
      aber die ganzen diskussionen welcher handheld nun "besser" ist, wird man wohl nicht verhindern können :zzz:
      /// Gamertag: KemoSabe666 \\\
      Original von Reggie
      "In fact, I personally wrote Ken Kutaragi last night thanking him for making the PSP. The DS needed a bitch."
    • Hab mir jetzt mal alle Videos die es bisher gibt nochmal in Ruhe angesehen... und bin begeistert.

      Metroid sieht genial aus, beim Mario Kart Video scheint praktisch einer "SPIELSPASS" aus den Lautsprechern zu brüllen, Wario Ware macht cool Gebrauch vom Touchscreen, das Chat Dingen ist super :lol1: und New Mario Brothers sieht nicht nur gut aus sondern wird wohl auch ein paar lustige Überraschungen haben (siehe riesen Pilz / Mario) ... und über Animal Crossing brauchen wir gar nicht zu reden, das wird eh rocken :crush:

      JAAAA ICH BIN EIN DS FANBOY! Und das ist auch gut so :ray2:
    • [E3 2004] High Quality Pics des Nintendo 'DS'
      von Gregory am 12.05.2004

      Besser spät als nie - soeben erhielten wir von Nintendo High Quality Bilder zum Nintendo 'DS'. Für alle die noch immer nicht genug vom Anblick des neuen Handheld kriegen können, hier die Pics (click to enlarge):

    • sagt mal wie kann man auf IGN dieses fucking MARIO KART DS movie anschauen, alle linken mich zu IGN, aber auf der site wo ich auswählen kann welches format ich nehmen will geht nix alter NIE egal welchen browser ich nehme!!!! was geht da ab?!!??!?!?!??!

      ne bisi ot ich weiss! ;)

    • Original von Sega Gangbang
      wenn das stimmt was profi2002 gepostet hat...kauf ich mir bald einen Sega Handheld ! :schwelg: :bj: :fu:

      profi hat gar nichts gesagt er hat ne link gepostet! ;) ^^

      und falls du damit recht hast das profi recht hat oder sein link, dann hab ich auch bald einen! ;)

      ^^ SEGA ^^

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Rage ()

    • [E3 2004] Interessante 'DS' Bilder - Module, Verpackung etc.
      von Gregory am 13.05.2004

      Die Kollegen von haben am Nintendo E3 Booth einige interessante Bilder machen können. Hier die Pics:

      Nintendo DS - rote Buttons + Display Umrahmung

      'DS' (offen/geschlossen), Spiel Module, (Spiel?)-Verpackungen

      'DS' rot - geschlossen


      DS-Terminals am Nintendo Booth

    • Original von MC_IRC
      Auf den Bilder sieht es aus, als ob es so groß wäre wie GameGear...!?

      nach meiner Schätzung 16cm*11cm wenn ich mich am GBA Modul orientier....
      is größer als nen GameGear :ray2:

      Aber das liegt miz sicherheit daran das die Bilder verzert sind :zwinker:
      schätze mal so in etwa NGPC größe

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Black Sun ()