Dark Souls

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    • SYSTEME: PS3, PS4, 360, XBO, SWI, PC
      Demon's Souls creator From Software is working on a "dark fantasy" game for the PlayStation 3 called Project Dark.

      The game was announced during Sony's stage show at the Tokyo Game Show by From's Hidetaka Miyazaki.

      The game is said to appeal to fans of Demon's Souls and, according to our on-the-scene reporter, a first-look trailer shows "lots of undead monsters in helmets and booming music."

      The game will be exclusive to PlayStation 3, and will be available in 2011.


      The next game from Demon's Souls developer From Software is a dark fantasy game called... Wait for it... Project Dark.

      It's a PS3 exclusive in Japan (PS3 and Xbox 360 in the West) and is aimed at hardcore gamers, which probably means it'll be rock hard.

      The game was unveiled during Sony's Tokyo Game Show press conference this morning with little fanfare. We know next to nothing about it, save for it'll be out next year in Japan and, did we mention, will be rock hard.

      The intrepid Keza MacDonald, who atteneded Sony's conference for Eurogamer, managed to sneak out some additional information.

      Project Dark looks like Demon's Souls 2 in all but name. The same team and director, Hidetaka Miyazaki, are in charge.

      Miyazaki said From Software wants to avoid calling the game Demon's Souls 2 because it wants to mark a clear departure from the series.

      From Software's a busy studio. Earlier this morning (2.30am for us - weep) Capcom head honcho Keiji Inafune took to the stage during Microsoft's TGS press conference to reveal From Software's Kinect-enabled 360-exclusive Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 9 mal editiert, zuletzt von Phill XVII ()

    • - Dark Souls is the official title of what was previously Project Dark

      - This time they want to increase the amount of field exploration in the game.

      - All fields are seamless, so whatever you can see, you can reach and explore. If you see a fortress or castle walls in the distance, you can eventually get there.

      - There will be no map display in the game, just a position display marker.

      - They aim to make the game just as challenging than Demon's Souls, but also just as rewarding when you succeed. The sense of achievement is important.

      - The gameplay will be similar to Demon's Souls in concept, where it's about trial and error and learning from your mistakes to play better.

      - The game does not share the same world and story as Demon's Souls.

      - The game will not use the same format as Demon's Souls in terms of having 5 worlds connected via a hub.

      - Instead all maps in the game will be linked seamlessly in a connected world. The pace of the game will feel more about exploration and discovering locations, which you can then go inside into a dungeon or whatever and explore the interior further.

      - There will be more complex level designs in the game using more vertical design in areas and such.

      - The world setting is based on medieval dark fantasy, and will contain themes like "high fantasy of kings and knights", "death and the depths of the earth", and "the flames of chaos".

      - The character creation process will not be class based.

      - The play style of the player character will have much more freedom this time.

      - There will be many more spells and items, and the animation and uniqueness of weapons will also be increased.

      - The online elements are very similar to Demon's Souls. There is cooperative and PvP.

      - You can still leave messages, and see players who died at various places.

      - There will be no Soul Tendency this time because they don't want to have to use dedicated servers to handle that shit again.

      - Instead this time there will be more features allowing players to engage in "mutual role playing" which they say are still under wraps. They'll reveal more when it's time.

      Einzig über das neue Leveldesign mache ich mir sorgen. Größer, freier und mehr Ebenen? Ich mochte das recht lineare design sehr und der Sumpf war schon grottig :D

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Re:quiem ()

    • F*ck yeah!

      Gekauft, in jeder Limited&Special Edition die es geben wird.

      Demon's Souls ist für mich das beste Game, welches ich seit Ewigkeiten gespielt habe und mit Sicherheit mein Lieblingsgame der aktuellen Konsolengeneration.
      Seit vielen Jahren schon habe ich das Gefühl gehabt, dass mich nichts mehr wirklich begeistern kann. Wenn man seit 20+ Jahren Zocker ist, kommt das glaube ich automatisch. Sicher freue ich mich hier und da (selten) noch auf Titel, aber die richtige Begeisterung fehlt und ich dachte dass ich das nie wieder wirklich erlebe...

      ...bis jetzt :harr:

      Die bisher bekannten Änderungen lesen sich extrem gut, die offenere Welt die man erkunden kann begrüße ich auf jeden Fall. Nicht dass ich es unbedingt besser finde, aber es ist etwas Neues, nach Demon's Souls. So wie ich es lese, wird es nicht unbedingt wie der Sumpf, sondern geht eher in Richtung große Welt mit hier und da platzierten Dungeons&Gebäuden, die dann wieder eher klassisches DS1 Design bieten.

      Bei mehr Spells und Items (super!) hoffe ich, dass der Fokus nach wie vor auf dem Playerskill liegt und diese lediglich dazu dienen die versprochene (noch) größere Freiheit beim Gameplaystil zu ermöglichen.

      Ich freu mich wie ein Schnitzel, gleich mal meinen aktuellen DS Durchlauf weitermachen.
      Wobei ich tatsächlich hoffe, dass der Nachfolger schwieriger wird. Bis auf wenige Stellen wurde DS1 zunehmend leichter, kam mir zumindest so vor.

      In diesem Sinne: Bring it on! :devil:
      To call me AWESOME is an understatement!

      Verkaufe: nix
      Suche: nix

      Wertanfrage: nix
      Tausche: nix