'Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg' vom Sonic Team

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    • Original von Shiro
      Original von exocron
      woher soll man´s wissen :???:

      und uups, das gepostete bild von kamikaze hab ich net gesehen...

      Die haben doch mal mörderstreß gemacht und damit gedroht die ganze Side abzuschalten. :(

      Beim nächsten mal: Erst den Thread lesen!! :elefant:

      =D =D

      lag vielleicht daran das der bildaufbau mit meinen 56k-modem nicht der schnellste ist und ich deshalb das bild net gesehen hab :???:;)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von exocron ()

    • Original von exocron
      lag vielleicht daran das der bildaufbau mit meinen 56k-modem nicht der schnellste ist und ich deshalb das bild net gesehen hab :???:

      Ja, SORRY!! Sollte auch keine Kritik sein!! :kiss:
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • Alles geht einmal zuende ,und es gibt immer ein erstes mal :tanz:

      Na malschaun,was ich so erkennen kann spricht mich kein bisschen an.
      mal kucken ,we´nn mehr darüber bekannt gegeben wird.
      Murphy`s Gesetze:
      10. Murphy`s Gesetze wurden nicht von
      Murphy selbst verfasst ,sondern von einem Mann gleichen
    • Original von tobi86
      Alles geht einmal zuende ,und es gibt immer ein erstes mal :tanz:

      Na malschaun,was ich so erkennen kann spricht mich kein bisschen an.
      mal kucken ,we´nn mehr darüber bekannt gegeben wird.

      Na ich halte mich lieber da mal mit diesen bemerkungen zurück..! Also die grafik schaut net gerade vielversprechend aus..! mich persömlich erinnert sehr sehr star an SoA was das Style angeht..! Ich freue mich darauf..könnte richitg geil werden...!
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    • Also ich weiß ned mit SoA hats eigentlich nur das Piratenschiff gemeinsam und Nights sieht auch anders aus wie ich finde. Vom Gameplay her scheint es eh was anderes zu werden als die beiden Games, vorallem wirds kein RPG.
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    • Die ersten Spiel-Impressionen von Gamespot:

      Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Impressions


      One of the titles in Sega's E3 lineup that's sure to garner attention is the recently announced Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. The game is the first action title from the acclaimed team to star an original character since the 32-bit era. The upcoming GameCube exclusive game will feature a mix of traditional platforming gameplay and puzzle elements that will revolve around the use of eggs.

      You'll take the role of the title character Billy, a young boy charged with returning light to a magical kingdom under siege by an evil crow king. In order to defeat the surly crow, Billy must journey through seven different themed worlds, free locals trapped by the crow's minions, and take out assorted bosses on his way to defeat their leader. To make that possible, Billy is supplied with an enchanted rooster suit that will allow him to control and hatch magical eggs he'll find on his adventures.

      The game features a standard mission based structure that is given a twist thanks to the unique gameplay mechanics. Each world you'll venture to will be broken up into different levels that each present unique challenges for Billy to overcome by using his wits and, of course, eggs. The eggs you'll find in the game will come to serve a variety of uses as you progress through the levels. You'll only be able to control one egg at a time, but you'll find them to be pretty versatile as eggs go. You'll use your egg to defeat enemies by attacking them in a variety of ways, such as rolling or throwing your egg at them. You'll also be able to bounce on your egg, which will offer another way to attack your enemies as well the ability to reach new areas in a level. The other key feature to egg handling in the game is hatching them. As you defeat enemies, they'll leave behind bubbles containing fruit that your egg will absorb as you roll over them. An onscreen meter will fill up to varying degrees depending on the type of fruit the egg has absorbed. Once the meter is full you'll be able to have Billy crow at it, which will hatch the egg and release one of over 30 magical critters. Once you've hatched your egg you'll be able to have the assorted newborn animals lend a helping hand in your adventures by commanding them to attack your enemies with their unique special abilities. There's a certain degree of strategy that will come into play as you manage your newborn menagerie due to the fact that you'll only be able to have a single creature with you at all times. In some cases you'll need to use specific creatures to deal with certain enemies and hazards that will impede your progress. Some of the puzzle elements in the game will revolve around your access to different areas in the worlds you'll venture to. In some cases you'll encounter areas that are impassable or unreachable when controlling an egg, which will require you to use your head and find a way through. Exploration will usually yield an alternate route or lead you to launchers that will send you and your egg on your journey.

      The graphics in the game have a subtle charm and may be underwhelming at first since there isn't anything terribly flashy going on. The polygon counts are modest by GameCube standards but the game's cartoony art style doesn't lend itself to an engine that pushes the hardware to its limits. However, if you scrutinize the visuals the game has to offer, you'll notice a bevy of little touches such as reflective surfaces, enormous areas and an abundance of color.

      The audio in the game is a bouncy assortment of chirpy sound effects and voice samples from Billy and the characters in the worlds he journeys through. The game's sound effects match it's cartoony appearance and fit the eclectic cast of characters you'll encounter in the game. The game's soundtrack, follows suit and manages to offer an infectious collections of tunes that harken back to the insanely catchy tracks heard in some of Sonic Team's early work.

      Based on what we've seen so far, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg is shaping up nicely. The game features solid graphics and potentially addictive gameplay that should be a solid addition to the GameCube library. While we've yet to see it in action, the game will also feature a multiplayer mode for up to four players that should add to its replayability. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg is currently slated to ship this fall for the GameCube.

      By Ricardo Torres, GameSpot [POSTED: 05/15/03 08:05 AM]
    • Wenn ich dann noch meine Meinung einbringen dürfte.
      Ich find es sieht total bescheuert aus. Aber nach Shigerus "Pac-Man the next big thing" präsentation schockt mich nichts mehr und ich sollte über jedes neue "richtige" Cube spiel erfreut sein.
      Spielt gerade: isch schpiele gar nischt mäh
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