Zombie Army Trilogy
Eltern, versteckt eure Kinder, die Nazi Zombies sind im Anmarsch.
Rebellion has announced that its undead Sniper Elite spin-off Zombie Army is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in early 2015 as the recut and remastered 'Zombie Army Trilogy', which includes the first two chapters previously released on PC, alongside the "apocalyptic" concluding third episode, all rendered in glorious 1080p.
Tasking you with blasting through an army of undead super Nazis and a zombified Adolf Hitler, Zombie Army Trilogy will include 15 "gut-wrenching" missions across three campaigns to battle through, set amid the ruins of World War II Germany. You'll fight Undead Super Soldiers, Armoured Skeletons, Zombie Snipers, Chainsaw Elites, Fire Demons and other evil denizens under the command of zombie Hitler.
The game will also include five horde maps that can be played solo or in online co-op for 2-4 players, and you'll be able to play as Sniper Elite III protagonist Karl Fairburne or eight playable heroes, four of which are new female characters. With over 25 weapons and explosive traps, as well as the always gruesomely enjoyable X-Ray Kill Cam, Zombie Army Trilogy promises to be a blast when it launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in early 2015, both digitally and at retail.
<(^•^)> Knuddeluff!
<(^•^)> Knuddeluff!
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