Xbox Series X + Series S Thread

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Xbox Scarlett – why the next Xbox is going to be huge
Looking forward, the future seems much more optimistic for Xbox One. Here are some key reasons why:
Game Pass
Game Pass is the Netflix of video games. For just $9.99 per month, you
get access to a vast library of games that you can download and play
until your heart’s content. Not only do you get access to a huge
backlog, but Microsoft puts all its exclusives on Game Pass from day
Xbox Scarlett exclusives
One of the biggest criticisms levelled at Microsoft this generation is a
lack of industry-leading exclusives. While the PS4 has been hitting it
out of the park every year, Xbox One has lagged behind in terms of both
quality and quantity. It looks like that’s something the company wants
to address with Xbox Scarlett. Microsoft has been going on a huge buying
spree recently, snapping up new studios all over the place.
First to market
Microsoft has already teased its next-gen family of machines, which
makes it sound like there will be different versions of varying power.
It also makes it sound like Xbox is well ahead of PlayStation in the
race to bring out its next console.
Recently, Microsoft has made a big push to make sure its platform is
open to as many people as possible. The Xbox Adaptive Controller might
not be important to you, but it’s a potentially life-changing piece of
kit for anyone who can’t use traditional input methods to control their
Backwards compatibility
Microsoft and Sony took two different approaches to backwards
compatibility this generation and it’s clear who the winner is. Where
Sony embraced streaming older games, Microsoft opened up the Xbox One to
play all of your Xbox 360 games, both by digital download and by disc.
Hank von Helvete: "The ass is the most beautiful part of the human body, but still there is a lot of shit coming out of it"
XBL Gamertag: bbstevieb
XBL Gamertag: bbstevieb