Urban chaos HILFE!!!

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    • Urban chaos HILFE!!!

      wer hat das spiel 100 % durch ?? sieh mal da erst konnte ich euch helfen beim bleemvast emu und nu brauche ich mal eure hilfe!ich kriege das spiel nicht zu ende ! beim letzten level muss man erst ja die drei polizisten einsammeln und dann mit darci bomben legen das schaffe ich alles ich komme auch wieder zurück in der zeit die vorgegeben ist aber immer explodiert alles ! wo bekomme ich ne deutsch komplett lösung?
    • dat kann doch nicht sein das ich der einzigste bin der dieses spiel hat und es auch spielt. Ist den hier NIEMAND der das spiel durchgespielt hat egal ob auf DC oder PS 1 oder PC . Auch im Netz gibt es nur ein Lösung und die ist nicht bis zum ende beschrieben .Nach 2 Jahren möchte ich es endlich mal zum ende bringen .
    • schau mal..vielleicht hilf das

      [-xdragon @themail.com-] [-Urban Chaos- Walkthrough-] [-version 1-] [-
      Playstation Version-]


      I don't know any of the PC commands,or key functions,for this game as this
      walkthrough was written for the Playstation console. I realize the PC version
      was out first,but my computer isn't compatible for that,so the Playstation
      version will have to do.

      [-This walkthrough is Copyright © 2000 XDragon walkthrough Guides. This took me
      some time to complete and is still taking me some time so please don't rip me
      off by posing as me to post the guide elsewhere. Anyone wishing to post my
      walkthrough on their website is welcome without the consent of me XDragon. Feel
      free to post this as you wish, but don't change or modify it in any way, shape,
      or form. Also before anyone plays this game make sure you are at least 18 as it
      contains graphic scenes of violence and Language. This may appeal to some
      children who aren't old enough to play the game but just remember that violence
      is no laughing matter. If you think it's fun to kill or maim someone in real
      life you are a sick, perverted individual. The first part of this walkthrough
      will be the weapons listing in the game. Enjoy the game and walkthrough.-]


      Although you begin some missions with a weapon, you should be able to find
      better weapons fairly easily. You can often disarm an armed assailant during a
      brawl; when you see the weapon fall to the ground, walk over and press the
      action button to pick it up. You may also find ammo behind objects.

      Remember: Even after a weapon is in your inventory, you must select it before
      you can use it.


      All guns work in the same way: When a target presents itself, D'arci or Roper
      will auto-draw their firearm and a targeting icon will appear around the target
      to denote that you are aimed and ready to fire. You cannot fire until the target
      has appeared- the delay depends on the type of gun used and the range. If you
      fire before the target appears , there is a percentage chance that you may miss
      your target.

      When targeting , D'arci will challenge any foe in her sights. Civilians normally
      freeze when ordered, and lay down for search when you press the action button.
      Guilty suspects may run or challenge you. Be warned: The UCPD comes down hard on
      officers who shoot innocent people.

      Warning: A firearm can be knocked out of your hand if you are punched or kicked
      while holding it.

      Pistol- This is a good all-around weapon. It has good short to mid-range
      accuracy with a high fire rate.

      Shotgun- Devestating at short-range, this weapon has a slow reload time.

      Assault Rifle- The best weapon for combat, the assault rifle has good fire rate
      with mid-range distance and excellent accuracy.

      Pistol Clip- Pistol Clips give the pistol a full cartridge of bullets.

      Shotgun Shell- Shotgun shells vary in amount when found.

      Rifle Clip- Rifle Clips give the assault rifle a full cartridge of bullets.


      Hand Grenade- Press the punch button to pull the pin; Press a second time to
      throw. The grenade has a 6 second fuse. Once it is primed, you must throw it
      toward the target or be blown to bits.

      Time Bomb- General-purpose explosives for all manner of demolition work. You
      either receive these at the start of a mission, or find them during the level.
      Press the punch button to place the bomb. You then have 5 seconds to clear the
      blast radius. These explosives have a devestating short-range blast and must be
      used as warrented by the mission briefing.

      [-Other Weapons/Items-]

      If you have a gun or run out of ammo, there are other ways to improve your
      chances in a street brawl. If you can disarm an opponet who is wielding a bat or
      a knife, you can pick them up and add them to your inventory. (Just my opinion
      but wouldn't this be corrupting evidence by using a criminals own weapon?)
      You can also pick up large objects such as crates and drums and throw them.
      Press the action button while standing close to the object to pick it up. Move
      into position, then press a second time to throw.

      Knife- A shotr-ranged weapon used in hand-to-hand combat. In the hands of an
      expierienced user it can be deadly on sneak attacks.

      Baseball Bat- Another hand-to-hand combat weapon, used to stun or drop opponets.


      Each mission has power-ups that give an immediate boost when collected. Collect
      power-ups during each mission to cumulatively enhance D'arci and Roper to their
      maximum abilities. These are espicially useful in later missions.

      Medikit- Increases health by 50%.

      Stamina- Restores Full health and increases your total health bar over time.

      Reflexes/Accuracy- Accrues skill throughout the game. After a certain time your
      reaction times and shooting accuracy will improve.

      Strength/Damage- Accrues power throughout the game. After a time, your character
      will be able to take and inflict more damage during combat.

      Constitution/Speed- Delivers a short-term boost and long-term gain. Your
      character's overall speed and maximum running distance improve with each power-

      Okay there was a moves section in the book but I decided to skip it for now and
      go to the main walkthrough for now.

      [-Driving Bronze-]

      [-Complete 3 Laps within the alloted time.-]

      This first area is to test your skills and you can choose from Driving Bronze
      which is extremely easy since the Cruiser is easy to control. Just make 3 easy
      laps around the course and you'll have completed the first level.

      [-Driving Silver-]

      [-Complete 2 laps within the alloted time.-]

      Now you'll have driving Silver so do that one next. This one I found to be a
      bit more tedious, just follow the arrows and turn when they show up on screen.
      The one part you'll have to back up and I don't understand why but you must do
      it on both laps. When you finally finish the second lap you must back the car
      into the space where you first began the race. To me it looks like Eidos made
      the car phiysics after a Tonka Truck. It looks and drives just like a truck.

      [-Driving Gold-]

      [-Complete 2 laps within the alloted time.-]

      By this time the Driving Gold and Physical appear on the menu so do the Driving
      Gold next and get it over with. Here you have a truck to drive around the
      advanced track and must stop and reverse, very senseless but you must and get
      around the track before the timer runs
      out. This track is a bit more difficult and I made it around the second try
      with 6 seconds to spare. You must do a reversal stop twice on each lap here
      which makes it harder. When you make it around the track and finish you must do
      the same reversal into the spot where you began to end this level.


      You may now enter the Rat Catch or enter training. I completed the training
      mission with 4 seconds to spare on the second try. You must try not to hesitate
      on this course and make sure you use the slide thing towards the middle of the
      course to get full advantage. Near the end there is a lot of jumps so just try,
      and make it even though the controls are horribly sloppy.

      [-Combat Bronze-]

      Completing this opens up the RTA, West District. Move now to the combat trainer
      if you choose and try your best to complete it. First you must simply do a slide
      kick to take the enemy down. Do this by pressing the O button for running and
      then when close to opponet press triangle to take him down. The next is a little
      trickier, you must get in a 3 combination punch to take the opponet down. Try
      throwing a few practice swings and then when you're ready approach and knock
      this guy down. What worked for me was I swung 2 punches and missed and the 3rd
      punch hit and was the charm and knocked the guy down. Next you must do a 3 kick
      combo with the triangle button. This is the same as the 3 punch combo from
      before just needing to land the last kick takes this guy down. Next is a guy you
      must take down and then press the action button when his health meter is blanked
      out and arrest him before he gets back up. Now you must approach 4 guys and they
      are on top of a building with a ladder if you're having trouble finding them.
      Use side kicks to take them down and kick 3 of the 4 guys and then the last guy
      just use action button and you will win this fight.

      [-Combat Silver-]

      [-Use Your Skills to eliminate or arrest all opponet targets. Silver award pits
      you against waves of increasingly difficult opponets. You must defeat each wave
      within the time limits.-]

      There is 2 guys to get in this first section so take care of them by knocking
      them down and then using action to throw them and arrest them. Arresting them
      for this area is your best bet unless you just have something to prove by
      beating them senseless. When the first 2 guys are down you get 3 more targets 2
      guys on the ground and one on a building. Take them down the same way and get in
      the quick arrests and then 3 more targets and time extensions are added. Once
      you get these 3 guys arrested another guy is targeted. He tries running away
      from you so use your run/slide to take him down. Turn around quickly and make
      the arrest and this area is done.

      [-Combat Gold-]

      [-Use Your Skills to eliminate or arrest all opponet targets. Silver award pits
      you against waves of increasingly difficult opponets. You must defeat each wave
      within the time limits.-]

      The basic key to this area is the same as before, just use the action and punch
      buttons and make an easy arrest. There then will be 4 new very easy targets and
      one has a gun. The first guy is by himself so take care of him easily. The next
      3 one has a gun and the other 2 have weapons. Lucky for you they usually wait
      for you to arrest one of their buddies before attacking you. Make short work of
      these guys and make 4 easy arrests and then 5 new targets and a time extension
      is added. These next 2 guys are very evasive so try and use the gun you can get
      from the last guy and shoot them. The second guy you probably will have to
      arrest. The other 2 are as simple as putting the smack down and arresting them
      quickly to get another time extension and 5 new targets. ( had some troubles
      with this level so I will finish it in the future.)

      [-Rat Catch-]

      [-We need to getta hold of some dude. Meet up with the boys and one of da guys
      will let ya know the rest.-]
    • RE: Urban Chaos

      Original von *SONIC*
      Original von WASP
      ....so ein geiles spiel und keiner hat es durch ?...

      Das Spiel ist ... und deshalb hat es wahrscheinlich keiner durch. :tooth:

      Naja zu der Zeit gabs noch kein GTA III (die Vorgänger waren ja eher ein Micromachines)! Also ein Vorreiter war das Game auf alle Fälle, halt nicht ganz ausgereift! :gamer:

      @WASP....hast jetzt extra wegen der Frage einen Zweitaccount angelegt, weil Du dein Passwort vergessen hast!? :hää:
      PS4 = XBO = AMDPC :sleeping:
      Alle Bashereien ohne Gewähr! :whistling: