[PSN/Xbox Live Arcade] Hard Corps: Uprising

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    • [PSN/Xbox Live Arcade] Hard Corps: Uprising

      Contra: Hard Corps on the SEGA Genesis is one of my favorite Contra games. The enormous bosses, branching paths, and epic action sequences made for one of the most thrilling 16-bit experiences back in the day. So imagine my delight when Konami told me it is bringing the spiritual sequel to Contra: Hard Corps to Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network this year. Picture a more anime-styled Contra game with the word "Contra" removed from the title, and you're starting to get a good idea of what Hard Corps: Uprising is. Konami describes it as "homage to legacy Konami run-and-gun platformers," of which Contra is the most famous (although there is also Rush 'N Attack, which is getting a facelift this year, as well). I got to play a bit of Hard Corpse recently and came away excited.

      Hard Corps: Uprising stars Colonel Bahamut, who, interestingly enough, was a bad guy in Contra: Hard Corps. For some reason or another he seems to have had a change of heart and is now battling against the aliens he was previously working with. He can be joined by a pal so that players can play cooperatively, both online and off. Unlike the Genesis Hard Corps, where we had four characters to choose from, here we just have two -- although Konami is looking into making additional downloadable characters available.

      Gameplay is straight up what you would expect from Contra. You'll be running left to right through eight alien-infested stages blasting everything in your way, collecting familiar power-ups, and riding vehicles. One sequence I saw had Bahamut riding a motorbike while a flying saucer with legs chased after him. The boss of level one is, appropriately, a giant wall much like in the original Contra.

      Arc System Works, that of BlazBlue and Guilty Gear fame, is developing Hard Corps -- which explains the new anime art style. Although it's a slight departure for the series I rather like it and it still undeniably looks like Contra.

      Contra games are typically brutally difficult affairs where one bullet puts you in the grave. Hard Corps sticks to this tradition with its Arcade Mode, but also introduces a new Rising Mode. Rising lets you take three hits before losing a life, making for a considerably more forgiving game.

      Hard Corps is set for a winter 2010 release.



      Urgs, der Style passt ja mal gar net zu Contra
      Hast eigentlich recht. Macht keinen Sinn, sich über einen Haufen wertloser Bronze Trophies zu freuen.
      Da könnte man ebenso gut voller Stolz Liste führen, an welchen Orten man schon onaniert hat.
    • OMG :sabber: Pflichtkauf so oder so :sabber:
      Steam: bjoern_typ
      PSN: Ruckeltyp80 ("Der Lootluemmel")
      XBL: reinersaftig
      Switch: Ruckeltyp (SW-6592-7819-8194)

      Most Wanted:
      Resident Evil-Games (neu, Remake, etc.), Hollow Knight: Silksong, Max Payne 1&2 Remake, Grand Theft Auto VI, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, Judas, Death Stranding 2, Replaced, Sword of the Sea, The Plucky Squire, Earthblade
    • Mir gefällt der Screenshot auch nicht. Lieber n 2tes Wii Contra :thumbup:

      Aber erstmal abwarten bis es fertig ist. Als ich damals die ersten SF4 Screenshots gesehen hatte fand ich die auch nicht gut aber als es raus kam hat es mir dann von der Grafik doch gefallen.
      "I'll wear you like lederhosen"

      XBL: OiZombie666
      PSN: OiZombie666
      BigN: OiZombie666
      Steam: 19gargoyle81
    • Mio Akiyama schrieb:

      Etw. gewöhnungsbedürftiger Grafik-Stil für einen Contra-Ableger,der trotz allem aber recht schick aussieht. Als Contra-Fan behalte ich das Game auf jeden Fall im Auge!
      Steam: bjoern_typ
      PSN: Ruckeltyp80 ("Der Lootluemmel")
      XBL: reinersaftig
      Switch: Ruckeltyp (SW-6592-7819-8194)

      Most Wanted:
      Resident Evil-Games (neu, Remake, etc.), Hollow Knight: Silksong, Max Payne 1&2 Remake, Grand Theft Auto VI, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, Judas, Death Stranding 2, Replaced, Sword of the Sea, The Plucky Squire, Earthblade
    • Re:quiem schrieb:

      Erscheint ja schon am 16.02.2011
      Ein Video von der CES: ces.gamespot.com/video/6286113/#toggle_video

      Finde ich super :sabber:
      Endlich ist es am 16.02. soweit und ich finde das Video im übrigen auch sehr,sehr lecker :sabber: Da kommen gleich wieder nostalgische Contra-Momente in einem hoch :love:
      Steam: bjoern_typ
      PSN: Ruckeltyp80 ("Der Lootluemmel")
      XBL: reinersaftig
      Switch: Ruckeltyp (SW-6592-7819-8194)

      Most Wanted:
      Resident Evil-Games (neu, Remake, etc.), Hollow Knight: Silksong, Max Payne 1&2 Remake, Grand Theft Auto VI, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, Judas, Death Stranding 2, Replaced, Sword of the Sea, The Plucky Squire, Earthblade
    • Contra The Hard Corps, das beste Spiel aller Zeiten komplett versaut !
      Das ist ja grauenhaft, wer das Original wirklich mag kann das doch kaum gut finden !
      Hoffentlich halten sie wenigstens CX-1-DA300 aus dem Mist raus O_o

      THC steht für;

      Bossfights und zwar einer nach dem anderen !
      Schnelles Gameplay
      Extremer Schwierigkeitsgrad

      Das da wird denk ich echt nix aber ich lass mich gerne überraschen :(

      -> The boss of level one is, appropriately, a giant wall much like in the original Contra.
      Sowas belangloses gibt es im ganze Hard Corps nicht da ist jeder Bossfight genial und alle waren erfrischend neu im Vergleich mit dem original Contra

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Uroko Sakanabito ()